Source: extras/di.jsxinc

BX.use('brixy', 'modules/di/Container.jsxinc');

BX.di || (function() {
	var dic = new (BX.module('brixy.di.Container').Me)();
	* Namespace BX.di holds an instance of the [Container]{@link module:'brixy.di.Container'~Container} class.  
	* This extension enables the use of the DI Container independently from the rest of Brixy framework. Brixy MVC framework already contains DI Container and doesn't need this file.
	* @namespace BX.di
	* @borrows module:'brixy.di.Container'~Container#getInstance as getInstance
	* @borrows module:'brixy.di.Container'~Container#registerService as registerService
	* @borrows module:'brixy.di.Container'~Container#registerServices as registerServices
	BX.di = {
		getInstance: function(subject, injection) { return dic.getInstance(subject, injection); },
		registerService: function(name, service) { dic.registerService(name, service); },
		registerServices: function(services) { dic.registerServices(services); }