* @module 'brixy.debug.helpers'
BX.module.define('brixy.debug.helpers', function() {
* Creates resizeable dialog window for reports.
* @memberOf module:'brixy.debug.helpers'
* @param {string} title - Window title.
* @return {Window} - New ScriptUI Window instance.
function reportDialog(title) {
var dial = new Window ('dialog', title, undefined, {resizeable: true});
* Resizeable dialog window.
dial.onResizing = dial.onResize = function() {
* Sets minimumSize of window to fit its content.
dial.onShow = function () {
this.minimumSize = this.preferredSize;
var report = this.findElement('report');
if (report)
report.minimumSize = report.size;
return dial;
// publish methods
return {
reportDialog: reportDialog