Source: modules/debug/systemInfo.jsxinc

* @module 'brixy.debug.systemInfo'
BX.module.define('brixy.debug.systemInfo', function() {
	* Gets array of system information, e.g. application name, version, locale, target engine...
	* @memberOf module:'brixy.debug.systemInfo'
	* @return {Array}
	function systemInfo() {
		var sysInfo = [],
		if ('activeScript' in app)
			sysInfo.push('Script: ' + app.activeScript.displayName);
		else {
			n = File($.fileName).displayName;
			if (n !== 'systemInfo.jsxinc')
				sysInfo.push('Script: ' + n);
		sysInfo.push('OS: ' + $.os);
		sysInfo.push('Application: ' + + ' ' + app.version);
		if ('scriptPreferences' in app && 'version' in app.scriptPreferences)
			sysInfo.push('Application scripting version: ' + app.scriptPreferences.version);
		sysInfo.push('Locale: ' + $.locale);
		if ('appEncoding' in $)
			sysInfo.push('Application\'s default character encoding: ' + $.appEncoding);
		sysInfo.push('Extended localization of the toString(): ' + $.localize);
		sysInfo.push('ExtendScript: ' + $.version + ' (build ' + $.build + ')');
		sysInfo.push('Target engine: ' + $.engineName);
		sysInfo.push('Strict mode: ' + $.strict);
		sysInfo.push('Debugging level: ' + $.level + ' (' + (['no debugging', 'break on runtime errors', 'full debug mode'][$.level] || 'unknown') + ')');
		n = [];
		$.flags & 0x0002 && n.push('2');
		$.flags & 0x0040 && n.push('64');
		$.flags & 0x0080 && n.push('128');
		$.flags & 0x0100 && n.push('256');
		$.flags & 0x0200 && n.push('512');
		sysInfo.push('Debug output flags: ' + $.flags + (n.length > 1 ? ' (' + n.join(' + ') + ')' : ''));
		sysInfo.push('ExtendScript memory cache: ' + $.memCache + ' bytes');
		sysInfo.push('Date: ' + (new Date()).toString());
		return sysInfo;
	* Shows system information, e.g. application name, version, locale, target engine...
	* @memberOf module:'brixy.debug.systemInfo'
	function showSystemInfo() {

	// publish
	return {
		systemInfo: systemInfo,
		showSystemInfo: showSystemInfo