Source: modules/di/Container.jsxinc

BX.use('brixy', 'modules/es/types.jsxinc');

* @module 'brixy.di.Container'
BX.module.define('brixy.di.Container', function() {
	var types = BX.module('');
	* Service object holds an instance.
	* @class
	* @alias module:'brixy.di.Container'~Service
	* @param {string|Object} service - Service name or module name or instance or config object {type: name, injection: []}.
	function Service(service) {
		if (service != undefined && typeof service === 'object' && service.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
			this._instance = service.type;
			if (service.hasOwnProperty('injection'))
				this._injection = Array.prototype.concat(service.injection);
			this._instance = service;
	* Returns instance.
	* @param {module:'brixy.di.Container'~Container} container
	* @return {Object}
	Service.prototype.get = function(container) {
		if (this._locked)
			throw Error('Too many attempts to create service. Try to check the circular reference.');
		this._locked = true; // object is in the building phase
		this._instance = container.getInstance(this._instance, this._injection);
		this._locked = undefined;
		delete this._locked;
		if (this._injection) {
			this._injection = undefined;
			delete this._injection;
		this.get = getInstance;
		return this.get();
	function getInstance() {
		return this._instance;
	* Dependency injection container.
	* @class
	* @alias module:'brixy.di.Container'~Container
	function Container() {
		this._services = {};
	* Returns a string representation of the object.
	* @method
	* @return {string}
	Container.prototype.toString = BX.toString;
	* Registers new service.
	* @param {string} name - Service name.
	* @param {*} service - Module name (module.Me must refer to the object constructor) or service name or config object or service object.
	* @throws Exception
	Container.prototype.registerService = function(name, service) {
		this._services[name + ''] = new Service(service);
	* Registers new services.
	* @param {object} services
	* @throws Exception
	Container.prototype.registerServices = function(services) {
		if (services != undefined && typeof services !== 'object')
			throw BX.error('brixy.di.Container.registerServices()', Error('Object is expected but ' + typeof services + ' is given.'));
		for (var s in services) {
			if (services.hasOwnProperty(s))
				this.registerService(s, services[s]);
	* Returns a service object.
	* @param {string} name - Service name.
	* @return {Object}
	* @throws Exception
	Container.prototype.getService = function(name) {
		name += '';
		try {
			return this._services[name].get(this);
		catch (e) {
			var er;
			if (this._services.hasOwnProperty(name))
				er = 'Cannot get service "' + name + '".';
				er = 'Service "' + name + '" is missing.';
			throw BX.error('brixy.di.Container.getService()', Error(er), e);
	* Creates the instance of the Type. Injects all dependencies that are specified by `Type.injection` property.
	* Optionally the `injection` argument may replace some of them.
	* @param {Function} Type - Constructor.
	* @param {Array} [injection] - Forced injection. Defined members will replace the corresponding `Type.injection` members. (optional)
	* @return {Object} - Instance of the Type.
	* @throws Exception
	Container.prototype.instanceByType = function(Type, injection) {
		if (typeof Type !== 'function')
			throw BX.error('brixy.di.Container.instanceByType()', Error('Function is expected but ' + Type + ' is given.'));
		var args,
		if ('injection' in Type)
			args = Array.prototype.concat(Type.injection);
		if (injection != undefined)
			injection = Array.prototype.concat(injection);
		if (!args && !injection)
			return new Type();
		if (!args) {
			args = injection;
		else if (injection) {
			for (i = 0, n = injection.length; i < n; i++) {
				if (injection[i] != undefined)
					args[i] = injection[i];
		try {
			for (i = 0, n = args.length; i < n; i++) {
				args[i] = this.getInstance(args[i]);
			return createInstance(Type, args);
		catch (e) {
			throw BX.error('brixy.di.Container.instanceByType()', Error('Creating of the ' + + ' instance failed.'), e);
	* Creates the instance of the service or module.
	* Injects all dependencies that are specified by the `Type.injection` property.
	* Optionally, in case of module name, the `injection` argument may replace some of them.
	* @param {string} name - Service or module name.
	* @param {Array} [injection] - Forced injection. Defined members will replace the corresponding `Type.injection` members. Not applicable for the service. (optional)
	* @return {Object} - Service or module instance.
	* @throws Exception
	Container.prototype.instanceByName = function(name, injection) {
		try {
			if (this._services.hasOwnProperty(name + '')) { // service
				if (injection != undefined)
					throw Error('Cannot inject arguments into service.');
				return this.getService(name);

			var Type = BX.module.Me(name); // module
		catch (e) {
			throw BX.error('brixy.di.Container.instanceByName()', Error('Creating of the "' + name + '" instance failed.'), e);
		return this.instanceByType(Type, injection);
	* Calls the constructor with arguments array.
	* @param {Function} Type - Object constructor.
	* @param {array} args - Constructor arguments.
	* @return {Object} - New instance of the Type object.
	function createInstance(Type, args) {
		var F = function() {
			Type.apply(this, args);
		F.prototype = Type.prototype;
		return new F();
	* Returns the instance of the subject.  
	* In case of creating a new instance, it injects all dependencies that are specified by the `SubjectType.injection` property.  
	* Optionally the `injection` argument may replace some of them.  
	* Types of the subject:  
	* 1. service name: creates/returns instance of the service (`injection` argument is not applied)  
	* 2. module name: property `module.Me` is used as constructor of a new instance  
	* 3. function: is used as constructor of a new instance  
	* 4. object: is returned unchanged (`injection` argument is not applied)
	* @param {*} subject - Service name or module name or constructor function or subject instance.
	* @param {Array} [injection] - Forced injection. Defined members will replace the corresponding `Type.injection` members. Not applicable for the service or object. (optional)
	* @return {Object} - Instance of the subject.
	* @throws Exception
	Container.prototype.getInstance = function(subject, injection) {

		if (types.isString(subject))
			return this.instanceByName(subject, injection);
		if (typeof subject === 'function')
			return this.instanceByType(subject, injection);
		if (injection != undefined)
			throw BX.error('brixy.di.Container.getInstance()', Error('Creating of the ' + subject + ' instance failed.'), Error('Cannot inject arguments into object.'));
		return subject;
	// publish the class
	return {
		* Dependency injection Container class.
		* @memberOf module:'brixy.di.Container'
		* @type {module:'brixy.di.Container'~Container}
		Me: Container