BX.use('brixy', 'modules/debug/systemInfo.jsxinc');
* Appends an error message to a log file. It doesn't show an error alert.
* @module 'brixy.err.SilentLog'
BX.module.define('brixy.err.SilentLog', function() {
* SilentLog class. Saves an error report into a file. Doesn't show a dialog window.
* Default log file: *(myDocuments)/Error-log.txt*
* Available symbolic names of the root folder (case-sensitive):
* | Symbolic name | Target folder |
* | --- | --- |
* | `'appData'` | `Folder.appData` |
* | `'commonFiles'` | `Folder.commonFiles` |
* | `'desktop'` | `Folder.desktop` |
* | `'myDocuments'` | `Folder.myDocuments` |
* | `'userData'` | `Folder.userData` |
* @class
* @alias module:'brixy.err.SilentLog'~SilentLog
* @param {string} rootFolder - Full path or symbolic name of the root folder.
* @param {string} filePath - File name with path relative to the root folder.
function SilentLog(rootFolder, filePath) {
this._rootFolder = (rootFolder == undefined) ? 'myDocuments' : rootFolder + '';
this._filePath = (filePath == undefined) ? '' : filePath + '';
* Returns a string representation of the object.
* @method
* @return {string}
SilentLog.prototype.toString = BX.toString;
* Saves an error to a log file. It doesn't show alert window.
* @param {BX.error.ErrorChain|Error|string} err
SilentLog.prototype.report = function(err) {
if (!(err instanceof BX.error.ErrorChain))
err = new BX.error.ErrorChain('', err);
var file,
cs = (typeof err.getCallStack === 'function') ? err.getCallStack() : '',
root = this._rootFolder,
path = this._filePath || '/Error-log.txt';
switch (root) {
case 'appData':
case 'commonFiles':
case 'desktop':
case 'myDocuments':
case 'userData':
root = Folder[root];
file = File(root + '/' + path);
if (file instanceof Folder)
if (!file.parent.exists)
tx = '\n\n========== Error report: =========='
+ '\n' + BX.module('brixy.debug.systemInfo').systemInfo().join('\n')
+ (cs ? '\n\nCall Stack:\n' + cs : '')
+ '\n\Errors:\n' + err
+ '\n\n================================\n';
// publish the class
return {
* SilentLog class.
* @memberOf module:'brixy.err.SilentLog'
* @type {module:'brixy.err.SilentLog'~SilentLog}
Me: SilentLog