* Warning: This module definition works in 'skip' rewrite mode. It does not throw an exception, if module already exists.
* @module 'brixy.fs.FileLoader'
BX.module.define('brixy.fs.FileLoader', function() {
* FileLoader class. Subclass or instance should at least define own `onLoadFile(file)` method.
* @class
* @alias module:'brixy.fs.FileLoader'~FileLoader
function FileLoader() {
this._aliases = {}; // fullNames of the folder aliases
this._loaded = []; // fullNames of the loaded files
* Returns a string representation of the object.
* @method
* @return {string}
FileLoader.prototype.toString = BX.toString;
* Creates alias of the folder path.
* @param {string} alias - Folder shortcut.
* @param {string} path - Folder path relative to the home folder (alias for '') or absolute path.
* @throws Exception if folder doesn't exist.
* @throws Exception if alias already exists for a different path.
FileLoader.prototype.alias = function(alias, path) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
path = alias;
alias = '';
var a = 'a_' + alias,
home = this.aliasPath(''),
p = (path += '');
if (home && p)
p = '/' + p; // multiple / are ignored by Extend Script
f = Folder(home + p); // relative to the home folder
if (!f.exists)
f = Folder(path); // or absolute path
if (f instanceof File)
f = f.parent;
if (!f.exists)
throw Error('Creating of the alias "' + alias + '" failed. Not found the "' + f.fullName + '".');
if (this._aliases.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
if (f.fullName != this._aliases[a])
throw Error('Creating of the alias "' + alias + '" failed. Alias already exists with path:\n' + this._aliases[a]);
this._aliases[a] = f.fullName;
* Stores path to the included list to prevent the further loading.
* Doesn't test if file exists.
* @param {string} alias - Folder shortcut.
* @param {string} path - File or folder path.
* @throws Exception if alias doesn't exist.
FileLoader.prototype.ignore = function(alias, path) {
var a = this.aliasPath(alias),
p = (path += '');
if (a && p)
p = '/' + p; // multiple / are ignored by Extend Script
f = File(a + p); // relative to the alias
if (!f.exists && !alias)
f = File(path); // or absolute path
if (!f.exists)
throw Error('Cannot ignore alias "' + alias + '". Not found the file "' + f.fullName + '".');
f = f.fullName; // keep the consistent encoding
if (!this.isLoaded(f))
* Includes jsx|jsxinc|js|jsxbin file. Folders are traversed recursively.
* Each file is included only once.
* @param {string} alias - Folder shortcut.
* @param {string} path - File or folder path.
* @throws Exception if alias or file doesn't exist.
FileLoader.prototype.load = function(alias, path) {
var a = this.aliasPath(alias);
path = (path == undefined) ? '' : path + '';
if (a && path)
path = '/' + path; // multiple / are ignored by Extend Script
this.loadFile(File(a + path));
* Loads the file if it is of an allowed type. Each file is loaded only once.
* @param {File|Folder} file - File or folder object.
* @throws Exception if file doesn't exist.
FileLoader.prototype.loadFile = function(file) {
var path;
file = File(file);
if (!file.exists)
throw Error('Not found the file "' + file.fullName + '".');
if (this.isLoaded(path = file.fullName))
if (file instanceof File) {
if (this.isAllowedFile(path))
else if (this.isAllowedFolder(path)) {
* Does nothing.
* Subclass or instance should define own onLoadFile method.
* @param {File} file
FileLoader.prototype.onLoadFile = function(file) {
* Loads files and folders. Folders are traversed recursively.
* Subclass or instance may define own onLoadFolder method.
* @param {Folder} folder
FileLoader.prototype.onLoadFolder = function(folder) {
var list;
folder = Folder(folder);
list = folder.getFiles();
if (!list)
for (var i = 0, n = list.length; i < n; i++) {
* Filters the file. Subclass or instance may define own fileFilter method.
* @param {string} path - Full path of the file.
* @return {boolean}
FileLoader.prototype.isAllowedFile = function(path) {
return /.+\.(jsx|jsxinc|jsxbin|js)$/i.test(path);
* Filters the folder. Subclass or instance may define own fileFilter method.
* @param {string} path - Full path of the folder.
* @return {boolean}
FileLoader.prototype.isAllowedFolder = function(path) {
return true;
* Returns full path of the alias.
* @param {string} alias
* @throws Exception if alias doesn't exist.
FileLoader.prototype.aliasPath = function(alias) {
var a = 'a_' + alias;
if (this._aliases.hasOwnProperty(a))
return this._aliases[a];
if (a === 'a_') // path to home folder may be undefined
return '';
throw Error('Alias "' + alias + '" does not exist.');
* Return the array of the included file paths.
* @return {string[]} - Array of the included file paths.
FileLoader.prototype.loadedPaths = function() {
return Array.prototype.concat(this._loaded);
* Tests if the path is already included.
* @param {string} path - Full path of the file.
FileLoader.prototype.isLoaded = function(path) {
var i = 0,
n = this._loaded.length;
for ( ; i < n; i++) {
if (this._loaded[i] === path)
return true;
return false;
* Adds the include path without applying of the file filter.
* @param {string} path
FileLoader.prototype.addPath = function(path) {
// publish
return {
* FileLoader class.
* @memberOf module:'brixy.fs.FileLoader'
* @type {module:'brixy.fs.FileLoader'~FileLoader}
Me: FileLoader
}, 'skip'); // do not redefine existing module