Source: modules/fs/filesystem.jsxinc

* @module 'brixy.fs.filesystem'
BX.module.define('brixy.fs.filesystem', function() {

	* Opens the file-browsing dialog.
	* @memberOf module:'brixy.fs.filesystem'
	* @param {string} prompt - Prompt text of the dialog window.
	* @param {string} [filterString] - Filter of the showed files. String of Windows type is converted to a filter function on the OSX. (optional)
	* @param {boolean} [multiselect=false] - Allows selecting of multiple files. Default is false. (optional)
	* @return {File|Array|null} - Selected file or files.
	function openDialog(prompt, filterString, multiselect) {
		var ft;
		if (File.fs === 'Macintosh')
			ft = macFilterFunction(filterStringToReg(filterString));
			ft = filterString;
		return File.openDialog(prompt, ft, multiselect);

	* Opens the file-browsing dialog.
	* @memberOf module:'brixy.fs.filesystem'
	* @param {string} prompt - Prompt text of the dialog window.
	* @param {string} [filterString] - Filter of the showed files. String of Windows type is converted to a filter function on the OSX. (optional)
	* @param {File} [file] - If is presented, the dialog shows the file. (optional)
	* @return {File|null} - Selected file.
	function saveDialog(prompt, filterString, file) {
		var ft;
		if (File.fs === 'Macintosh')
			ft = macFilterFunction(filterStringToReg(filterString));
			ft = filterString;
		if (file)
			return file.saveDlg(prompt, ft);
		return File.saveDialog(prompt, ft);

	* Returns array of File.
	* @memberOf module:'brixy.fs.filesystem'
	* @param {Folder} folder - Folder.
	* @param {string|RegExp} [filter] - Filter of the selected files. Eg. "\*.jsx;\*.jsxinc;\*.js" (optional)
	* @param {boolean} [filesOnly=false] - If true, it skips folders. (optional)
	* @return {Array} - Array of selected files.
	function fileList(folder, filter, filesOnly) {
		var list,
		reg = (filter instanceof RegExp) ? filter : filterStringToReg(filter || '');
		list = folder.getFiles(function (f) { 
			return (!filesOnly || (f instanceof File)) && reg.test(;
		if (!list)
			return [];
		return list;

	* Returns array of Folders.
	* @memberOf module:'brixy.fs.filesystem'
	* @param {Folder} folder - Parent folder.
	* @return {Array} - Array of folders.
	function folderList(folder) {
		var list;
		list = folder.getFiles(function (f) { 
			return f instanceof Folder;
		if (!list)
			return [];
		return list;

	function macFilterFunction(regFilter) {
		return function (file) {
			while (file.alias) {
				file = file.resolve();
				if (file == null)
					return false;
			return (file instanceof Folder) || regFilter.test(;
	function filterStringToReg(filterString) {
		var r,
		r = filterString.match(/[^:]*$/);
		if (r && r[0]) {
			reg = r[0].replace(/(\.)/g, '\\.').replace(/(\*)/g, '.*').replace(/(;)/g, '|');
			reg = '.*';
		return RegExp("^(" + reg + ")$", 'i');

	// publish
	return {
		openDialog: openDialog,
		saveDialog: saveDialog,
		fileList: fileList,
		folderList: folderList