Source: modules/mvc/Application.jsxinc

* @module 'brixy.mvc.Application'
BX.module.define('brixy.mvc.Application', function() {
	* Application class.  
	* Configuration object may either be empty or may override any default application settings.  
	* - Dependency injection container = `config.container` or 'brixy.di.Container'  
	* - Collection of services `` is registered in the DI container
	* - Request router = `config.requestRouter` or 'brixy.mvc.Router'  
	* - Collection of routes `config.routes` is registered in the request router
	* - Event router = `config.eventRouter` or 'brixy.mvc.Router'  
	* - Collection of events `` is registered in the event router
	* @class
	* @alias module:'brixy.mvc.Application'~Application
	* @param {Object} config - Configuration object.
	function Application(config) {
		if (!config || typeof config !== 'object')
			config = {};
		// DI container
		var container = config.container || 'brixy.di.Container';
		switch (typeof container) {
			case 'string':
				container = new (BX.module(container).Me)();
			case 'function':
				container = new container();
		if ('services' in config)
		this._requestRouter = container.getInstance(config.requestRouter || 'brixy.mvc.Router');
		this._eventRouter = config.eventRouter || 'brixy.mvc.Router'; // lazy creating
		this._eventRouterCreated = false;
		this._container = container;
		if ('routes' in config)
		if ('events' in config)
	* Returns a string representation of the object.
	* @method
	* @return {string}
	Application.prototype.toString = BX.toString;
	* Returns dependency injection container.
	* @return {Object}
	Application.prototype.getContainer = function() {
		return this._container;
	* Returns request router.
	* @return {Object}
	Application.prototype.getRequestRouter = function() {
		return this._requestRouter;
	* Returns event router.
	* @return {Object}
	Application.prototype.getEventRouter = function() {
		if (!this._eventRouterCreated) {
			this._eventRouter = this.getContainer().getInstance(this._eventRouter);
			this._eventRouterCreated = true;
		return this._eventRouter;
	* Processes the request. Tries to convert any request to a request route.
	* @param {string|Object} request - Request string or route object.
	* @param {string|Object} [sender] - Controller that sent this request. (optional)
	* @throws Exception
	Application.prototype.processRequest = function(request, sender) {
		if (!request)
		try {
			var next = request,
				router = this.getRequestRouter(),
			while (next) {
				route = router.createRoute(next);
				if (route.controller) {
					c = (route.controller === 'this') ? sender : route.controller;
					c = sender = this.getContainer().getInstance(c);
					try {
						next =, || route.forward;
					catch (ee) {
						if (c && ('run' in c) && (typeof === "function"))
							throw ee;
							throw Error('Controller\'s ' + c + '.run() method is not defined.');
				else if (route.forward) {
					next = router.createRoute(route.forward);
					next.refine({action: route.action, data:});
					next = null;
		catch (e) {
			try {
				next = next.toHumanString();
			catch (ee) {
			throw new BX.error('brixy.mvc.Application.processRequest()', Error('Processing of the request "' + next + '" failed.'), e);
	* Gets event route and forwards it to `processRequest()` method. Only event routes, that are registered in the event router, are allowed. 
	* `AppManager.processEvent()` uses this method as an entry point into the application.
	* @param {string} event - Event name.
	* @param {Object} [data] - Application can pass the data to the event handler. (optional)
	* @throws Exception
	Application.prototype.processEvent = function(event, data) {
		if (!event)
		try {
			var route = this.getEventRouter().getRoute(event);
			if (!route) // only saved routes are processed
			if (!data || typeof data !== 'object')
				data = {};
			data.event = event + '';
			route.refine({data: data});
			// forward request
		catch (e) {
			throw new BX.error('brixy.mvc.Application.processEvent()', Error('Processing of the event "' + event + '" failed.'), e);
	* Returns true if application can process the event. Only event routes, that are registered in the event router, are allowed.
	* @param {string} event - Event name.
	* @return {boolean}
	Application.prototype.listensEvent = function(event) {
		try {
			return this.getEventRouter().hasRoute(event);
		catch (e) {
			return false;
	// publish
	return {
		* Application class.
		* @memberOf module:'brixy.mvc.Application'
		* @type {module:'brixy.mvc.Application'~Application}
		Me: Application