Source: modules/mvc/View.jsxinc

* @module 'brixy.mvc.View'
BX.module.define('brixy.mvc.View', function() {
	* Base View object.
	* @class
	* @alias module:'brixy.mvc.View'~View
	function View() {
	* Returns a string representation of the object.
	* @method
	* @return {string}
	View.prototype.toString = BX.toString;
	* Subclass must override this method.
	* @param {...*} [arg1, arg2, ...] - Arguments passed from controller. (optional)
	* @return {string} - Name of the controller handler.
	View.prototype.render = function (/* arg1, arg2, ... */) {
		throw BX.error('brixy.mvc.View.render()', Error(this + '.render() method is not defined.'));
	// publish the class
	return {
		* Base View class.
		* @memberOf module:'brixy.mvc.View'
		* @type {module:'brixy.mvc.View'~View}
		Me: View