Source: modules/tester/JobLoader.jsxinc

BX.use('brixy', 'modules/fs/FileLoader.jsxinc');
BX.use('brixy', 'modules/tester/Job.jsxinc');
BX.use('brixy', 'extras/debug.jsxinc');

* @module 'brixy.tester.JobLoader'
BX.module.define('brixy.tester.JobLoader', function() {
	var FileLoader = BX.module.Me('brixy.fs.FileLoader');

	* JobLoader object.
	* @class
	* @alias module:'brixy.tester.JobLoader'~JobLoader
	* @extends {module:'brixy.fs.FileLoader'~FileLoader}
	* @param {module:'brixy.tester.Tester'~Tester} tester
	* @param {Function} [fileFilter] - Callback filters the files in the job folders: `function(path){return boolean;}`. By default, accepts all files whose name ends with **job.jsx** / **job.jsxinc** / **job.js**. (optional)
	* @param {Function} [folderFilter] - Callback filters the job folders: `function(path){return boolean;}`. By default, accepts all folders and subfolders. (optional)
	function JobLoader(tester, fileFilter, folderFilter) {; // parent constructor
		this._tester = tester;
		if (typeof fileFilter === 'function')
			this.isAllowedFile = fileFilter;
		if (typeof folderFilter === 'function')
			this.isAllowedFolder = folderFilter;
	BX.subclass(JobLoader, FileLoader); // subclassing
	* Filters the file.
	* @param {string} path - Full path of the file.
	* @return {boolean}
	JobLoader.prototype.isAllowedFile = function(path) {
		return /.*job\.(jsx|jsxinc|js)$/i.test(path);

	* Runs job files.
	* @param {File} file
	* @throws Exception
	JobLoader.prototype.onLoadFile = function(file) {
		var AbortException = BX.module('brixy.tester.Job').AbortException,
			debug = BX.debug,
			tester = this._tester;
		tester.addJob('File: ' + file.displayName);
		try {
			runJobFile(file, tester, debug);
		catch (e) {
			throw (e instanceof AbortException) ? e : BX.error('brixy.tester.JobLoader.onLoadFile()', Error('File: ' + file), e);
	function runJobFile(file, tester, debug) {
		var BX = undefined, // hide global variable (but $.global.BX could be available)
			JobLoader = undefined,
			job = tester.currentJob(),
			it =;

		// test file can use variables: file, tester, debug, job, it
	return {
		* JobLoader class.
		* @memberOf module:'brixy.tester.JobLoader'
		* @type {module:'brixy.tester.JobLoader'~JobLoader}
		Me: JobLoader