Source: modules/tester/Tester.jsxinc

BX.use('brixy', 'modules/tester/report.jsxinc');
BX.use('brixy', 'modules/tester/Job.jsxinc');
BX.use('brixy', 'modules/es/types.jsxinc');

BX.use('brixy', 'modules/tester/JobLoader.jsxinc');

// error reporter
BX.use('brixy', 'modules/err/DebugReporter.jsxinc');

* @module 'brixy.tester.Tester'
BX.module.define('brixy.tester.Tester', function() {
	var Job = BX.module('brixy.tester.Job').Me,
		AbortException = BX.module('brixy.tester.Job').AbortException,
		JobLoader = BX.module('brixy.tester.JobLoader').Me,
		types = BX.module('');
	* Tester object. Default behavior is defined by the `setConfig()` and `getConfig()` methods.  
	* | Predefined values | Default | Description |
	* | --- | --- | --- |
	* | dialogOnFailure | true | Shows the report dialog when test fails. |
	* | comparisonDepth | 10 | Default nesting level of the comparison of the objects. Used by the job assert methods. |
	* | assertLibrary | 'brixy.tester.It' | Default assert library is specified by the constructor or module name. |
	* @class
	* @alias module:'brixy.tester.Tester'~Tester
	function Tester() {
		this._currentJob = null;
		this._jobs = [];
		// common config
		this._config = {
			dialogOnFailure: true, // show report dialog when test fails
			comparisonDepth: 10, // default job comparison depth
			assertLibrary: 'brixy.tester.It' // default assert library
	* Returns a string representation of the object.
	* @method
	* @return {string}
	Tester.prototype.toString = BX.toString;
	* Changes default config options or adds custom values.  
	* All options are available in job files via `tester.getConfig('something')`.
	* @param {string|object} nameOrObject - Name of the config option. If object is given, all key/value pairs are set to config and `value` parameter is ignored.
	* @param {*} [value] - Value of the config option. (optional)
	* @throws Exception
	Tester.prototype.setConfig = function(nameOrObject, value) {
		if (types.isString(nameOrObject)) {
			this._config[nameOrObject] = value;
		else if (nameOrObject != null && typeof nameOrObject === 'object') {
			for (var n in nameOrObject) {
				if (nameOrObject.hasOwnProperty(n))
					this._config[n] = nameOrObject[n];
			throw BX.error('brixy.tester.Tester.setConfig()', Error('Name of the option should be a string or object; ' + nameOrObject + ' given.'));
	* Gets the config value.
	* @param {string} name - Name of the option.
	* @return {*} Config value or undefined.
	Tester.prototype.getConfig = function(name) {
		if (this._config.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
			return this._config[name];
		return undefined;
	* Creates new job.
	* @param {string} [name] - Job name.
	* @return {module:'brixy.tester.Job'~Job} New job.
	Tester.prototype.addJob = function(name) {
		var c = this._config;
		this._currentJob = new Job(name, c.dialogOnFailure, c.assertLibrary, c.comparisonDepth);
		return this._currentJob;
	* Removes all jobs.
	Tester.prototype.clearJobs = function() {
		this._currentJob = null;
		this._jobs = [];

	* Gets current job.
	* @return {module:'brixy.tester.Job'~Job}
	Tester.prototype.currentJob = function() {
		if (!this._currentJob)
		return this._currentJob;
	* Runs all test files in the folder. Default allowed file names: *job.(jsx|jsxinc|js).  
	* @param {string|Folder} folder - Full path to a job file or folder with job files.
	* @param {Function} [fileFilter] - Callback filters the files in the job folders: `function(path){return boolean;}`. By default, accepts all files whose name ends with **job.jsx** / **job.jsxinc** / **job.js**. (optional)
	* @param {Function} [folderFilter] - Callback filters the job folders: `function(path){return boolean;}`. By default, accepts all folders and subfolders. (optional)
	* @throws Exception on error.
	Tester.prototype.runJobFiles = function(folder, fileFilter, folderFilter) {
		try {
			var loader = new JobLoader(this, fileFilter, folderFilter);
		catch (e) {
			throw (e instanceof AbortException) ? e : BX.error('brixy.tester.Tester.runJobFiles()', Error('File: ' + Folder(folder)), e);
	* Shows a dialog with tester result.
	*/ = function() {
	* Shows a dialog with error report.
	* @param {*} e - Error object or message.
	Tester.prototype.errorReport = function(e) {
		if (e instanceof AbortException) {
			this.currentJob().addSection('Testing aborted by user.');
		else {
			var err = BX.error('brixy.tester.Tester', Error('An unexpected error.'), e);
			this.currentJob().addSection('An unexpected error terminated the testing.');
			this.currentJob().addSkippedResult('Error', err.getPrimeError() + '');; // report error
	// publish
	return {
		* Tester class.
		* @memberOf module:'brixy.tester.Tester'
		* @type {module:'brixy.tester.Tester'~Tester}
		Me: Tester