Source: modules/ui/components/safeHandlers.jsxinc

* Defines components for {@link module:'brixy.ui.SuiBuilder'~SuiBuilder}.  
* Creates event handlers for Script UI controls. Wraps a callback to try/catch block so it can report error if any.  
* Script UI controls don't show errors, that are thrown from the event handlers, while window is opened.
* @example
* function myHandler() {
* 	// do something bad
* 	throw 'This is bad.';
* }
* // standard handler: after click does nothing
* builder.button.set('onClick', myHandler);
* // safe handler: after click shows error report
* builder.button.safeHandler('onClick', myHandler);
* @module 'brixy.ui.components.safeHandlers'
BX.module.define('brixy.ui.components.safeHandlers', function() {

	// publish
	return {

		* Adds event handler to the current element. Reports error if any occurs.
		* @memberOf module:'brixy.ui.components.safeHandlers'
		* @param {string} eventName - Event names: 'onClick', 'onChange', ...
		* @param {function} callback - Event handler.
		* @param {...*} [pars, ...] - Additional parameters will be passed to callback method. (optional)
		safeHandler: function(eventName, callback /*, args */) {
			var args = [], 2);
			this.element[eventName + ''] = function() {
				try {
					callback.apply(this, args);
				catch (e) {;
		* Adds event handler that calls [BX.apps.processRequest()]{@link BX.apps.processRequest} method. Reports error if any occurs.
		* @memberOf module:'brixy.ui.components.safeHandlers'
		* @param {string} eventName - Event names: 'onClick', 'onChange', ...
		* @param {string} appId - Application ID.
		* @param {string|Object} request - Request route.
		safeRequestHandler: function(eventName, appId, request) {
			this.element[eventName + ''] = function() {
				try {
					BX.apps.processRequest(appId, request);
				catch (e) {;
		* Adds 'onClick' handler that calls [BX.apps.processRequest()]{@link BX.apps.processRequest} method. Reports error if any occurs.
		* @memberOf module:'brixy.ui.components.safeHandlers'
		* @param {string} appId - Application ID.
		* @param {string|Object} request - Request route.
		safeRequestOnClick: function(appId, request) {
			this.builder.safeRequestHandler('onClick', appId, request);