* Defines helper methods for work with {@link module:'brixy.ui.SuiBuilder'~SuiBuilder} components.
* @module 'brixy.ui.helpers'
BX.module.define('brixy.ui.helpers', function() {
* Doubles ampersands.
* ScriptUI fields use ampersand to marking a shortcut character.
* @memberOf module:'brixy.ui.helpers'
* @param {string} str
* @return {string}
function doubleAmps(str) {
return str.replace(/(&)/g, '&&');
* Tests if string has form '{...}'.
* @memberOf module:'brixy.ui.helpers'
* @param {string} str - Tested string.
* @return {bool}
function isResourceString(str) {
return str && str.constructor.name === 'String' && /^\s*\{.*\}\s*$/.test(str);
* Returns all selected elements from the group. Tests if the value property of the element is equal to true.
* @memberOf module:'brixy.ui.helpers'
* @param {ScriptUIcontrol} group
* @return {Array}
function selectedChildren(group) {
var n = group.children.length,
i = 0,
sel = [];
for ( ; i < n; i++) {
if (group.children[i].value)
return sel;
// publish
return {
doubleAmps: doubleAmps,
isResourceString: isResourceString,
selectedChildren: selectedChildren