Module system

Brixy implements own asynchronous module system. Module is a container of the code. It si an essential tool for making a well maintainable code.

The advantages of the modules:

  • It hides variables and methods and keeps clear your global scope.
  • It prevents conflicts with variable names.
  • It allows to simply separate logic parts of your code.
  • It allows to create reusable pieces of code.

Modules are implemented as function closures.


BX.module.define(name, methodOrObject, rewriteMode) API


BX.module.define('module.zoo', function() {

    // this code is hidden inside module

    // private variables
    var animals = [];

    // private methods
    function add(animal) {
    function count() {
        return animals.length;

    // exposed module property and methods
    return {
        add: add,
        count: count


BX.module(name) API


var myZoo = BX.module('module.zoo');

alert('I have ' + myZoo.count() + ' animals.');

Naming convention

Generally there is no restriction on the naming of your modules.

A goog practice: Try to mirror the folder structure in the module name. Eg. Source file "model/people.jsxinc" contains the module "model.people".

Brixy framework speciality: The Route object API in MVC applications uses characters :?= for parsing application requests. Avoid using these characters in the names of modules, especially the controllers, that will be used as application requests.

"Me" property

Module's Me property has special meaning in Brixy framework. Because many modules encapsulates a class definition, Brixy framework expects that class constructor method is assigned to the module's Me property. It allows to use the module name instead of the class.


BX.module.define('shapes.Circle', function() {

    // constructor
    function Circle(radius) {
        this.radius = radius;
    // methods
    Circle.prototype.circumference = function() {
        return 2 * 3.1415927 * this.radius;
    Circle.prototype.area = function() {
        return 3.1415927 * this.radius * this.radius;

    // exposed class
    return {
        Me: Circle

var CircleClass = BX.module.Me('shapes.Circle');
var myCircle = new CircleClass(10);

Edited: 2016/07/16