DI in MVC application

Brixy MVC application uses built-in DI Container API for creating all controllers and its dependencies.


Use injection property to inject dependencies to controller. Application automatically creates all dependecies and injects to controller.

// controller module
BX.module.define('myController', function() {
    var MvcController = BX.module.Me('brixy.mvc.Controller');

    function Controller(module1, module2) {
        MvcController.call(this); // parent constructor

        // injected dependencies
        this.module1 = module1;
        this.module2 = module2;

    BX.subclass(Controller, MvcController); // subclassing

    // list of dependencies
    Controller.injection = ['myModule1', 'myModule2'];

    // and the rest of the controller code...



You can register services in the application configuration object. Application automatically registers it in the DI Container. See MVC configuration guide.

Edited: 2017/06/16